Thursday, April 28, 2005

Well, my computer's gone.

Dropped it off at the "Initial City Link" depot at 5:30. Hoping to get it back my next Friday, but it could take until Tuesday 10. They only have to replace the motherboard. Maybe my memory and fan too. But hey, whatever. I should have got an XPS. I do need 4 fans.

So, in other stuff. I have a neat blog entry coming soon; it's a bit for everyone. I'll try and get it out by Sunday. Maybe today, but I did want to try and do my philosophy coursework.

So, on the subject of school. I got a B/C on a philosophy timed essay. Bah at Clark. So I forgot quotes...big deal. I also forgot about Kenny and Plato. Omfg! I should have got a B, you crab cake. I handed in my miracles essay today. I included Aquinas, wonder if I'll get bonus marks for extra reading? I hope so. :-D Dave's A part was so short, I wonder what miss thinks of it? Since to her, it's quantity, not quality. Oh oh! Quality line my Mr Nokes - "it's not the size that matters". It was in reference to the answer of a question, but it was funny. :-D I'm glad he's looking for quality over quantity. I need to speed up my writing pace. Although, in psychology, I did write 3/4 page in 12 minutes. o.0 Teh uber. Yes, I finished my psychology test early. Like 6 minutes too early! :o Hope I still did well.

So, on other matters, I'm feeling numb. My head hurts. Dave got really hurt yesterday, and I really want to help him. Me and Marriott got on quite well today - I guess I've just dropped the whole Caz and him thing. They can do whatever they want; it's none of my business. I'll eat those words sometime soon, I can tell. This one person's driving me crazy lately, and it's so annoying. I suck at FIFA; officially.

Oh, 3 day weekend coming up! But it's going to suck MAJOR dong.
Saturday = Dave at work, Breathe in evening. I probably won't go Breathe.
Sunday = guys go to church, I don't. A day of boring-ness.
Monday = band are having a practice. Yay! Not. >.> I'm sleeping until like 5 or something. Be good for my body.

Not many rants to say, except I have a lot of nasty names to call a "friend". Apparently, I'm being guided by the devil and Dave is being "held" by the devil. So fuck you, "friend". Had to put up with their fake crap today; I honestly do not want to hear it.

I possibly heard the funniest thing all week last night, but I can't tell anyone. Someone/Some people might get offended.


Monday, April 25, 2005

If I could turn back the times...

...I'd probably change a few things, but I like what I have now. Although, some of it could be better.

Anyway, let's start with Saturday, shall we? Actually, I'll only blog on Saturday.

So, day started with me and Dave waking up...with morning glory. *sigh* He had it from 9:30 - 10, when I was asleep and I had it from 10:30. The timing is SO odd. Anyway, he tried to go on the PC but woke up to a scary formatting screen...mwhahaha. Anyway, he played MGS3. I believe he completed it...on "very easy". Ha ha...n00b! Anyway, the game rocks and I dreamt about it. Lame, I am. I think I showered next and upon finishing, me and Dave walked into Uxbridge. Or did we bus it? Hmm...bus, it was! 'Cos I paid for Dave, and I remember that. And whilst some of you are STILL dwelling on the fact I showered and then walked into Uxbridge, I DID change into clothes! Went with Dave to buy his mum's present and card - then Sam met us, after getting p'ed about not being invited out. I just forgot and I don't know why he cared - Uxbridge is lame. Walked back to mine and the three of us just chatted. Dave waited to get ready to go to work, got ready around 1:20. Mum gave him a lift to work at 1:40. Rachel and Marriott came at 3. They took VERY long in Uxbridge, after calling me at 1:30 to ask if they could come round. Since they got a lift to mine, it's curious how you can spend so long in Uxbridge with just yourself and one other person. Getting hold of each other, again? Now, that would be interesting. We played Mario Kart a bit - me, Marriott and Rach. I pwn them both, and Marriott's better than Rachel. She gave me a run for my money on one track, and did make me come 3rd. But only once did that happen. They left around 5; Marriott got a lift off Rach. Me and Sam did err...stuff at mine. :S Don't remember what - I believe he played LoTR: Return of the King whilst I showered and then browsed the web. At 5:30, we left mine to meet Dave. Ended up catching a 427 after waiting 5 minutes for an A10. Then, whilst waiting at the bus stop for the 427 to go, an A10 passed us! Grr! Met Dave, caught bus back. Had to rush and get ready for Caz's baptism. Dave back to his at 6:20 and rushed to get ready. Rachel rang me at 6:30 and urged me to be at Dave's in 15 minutes...I thought "ahh, not going to make it!" Sam left mine at 6:37, with me. I rang to Dave's and made it on time. We'd both decided on bright shirts - i wore lime green and he wore his orange one. Rach came at 7 - late, like always. Ironic coming from me, but I've been punctual lately. Went to go pick Chris up, but he thought it was Sunday...umm, no?! So we went straight to Ruislip and got there in like 15 minutes?! Mr Bradley is teh uber man! Me and Dave walked in to the church and got called "Joy's bedroom" - by Peter Thomas. Yay. So err, all Caz's little friends were there...*cries* So were her mum and dad - that's cool. So was Charlie and the whole Thomas family. So, we sat down and in my pew(sp?):

Kariss | Charlie | Moi | Dave | Rachel

The service was cool, Kariss and Charlie were harassing me though. I feel sorry for Kariss...Charlie's a paedo...of doom!

So, Caz's speech was umm, strange and not very good. She pointed out that Marriott was one of her friends who helped her become a better Christian. No offence to him/you but I strongly disagree. Sure, I don't know what goes on when they're alone, and I don't want to know either but I know what goes on from what I observe.
  • Marriott is Caz's primary love, not God.
  • Marriott is the reason Caz cries, most of the time.
And I have nothing else to hand right now, but I know she's negative because of him. On the note of the two of them, I don't understand his logic. He went out with her (unwillingly) and then dumped her within a few days. Whatever, noob. And she wants it again - even if he will dump her, wtf?!

So, the baptisms looked like they were trying to kill them. After the service, went into back and sat on the couch next to Charlie, with Dave on the other side of her. Dave kept making jokes about her falling apart. Poor Charlie... However, the jokes were funny. =P Umm, joked around and stuff - left there at 9:25ish. Me, Dave, Charlie, Rach and Marriott went back to mine. We had an uber time. Charlie quickly took the bed, Marriott had the other chair - don't remember Rach and Dave. I had the PC chair whilst I tried to sort out the PC, gave up around 10:15. Assumed a position on the bed, sharing the big pillow with Charlie. Well, I had 30% and she had 70%. Rach took my chair and Dave was on sofa. Umm, we had an awesome time just chatting about stuff like erections, periods and random stuff. It was just so open and cool - we were mature teenagers and it rocked! I also spent my time stroking Charlie's leotard and messing around her. Leotard's are amazing, especially when you have a body to match the awesomeness of it. *ahem* It was so stroke-able. ANYWAY!

I fucked up my PC last night! It won't start up or anything. The fan was like in hyper mode and the monitor wasn't responding to the tower. *sigh*

Moving onto the other area of my life; love. I want someone to hold and show my affection. Just someone to care for and stuff. I feel like everyone has had that, except me. Everyone's had their chance with someone they truly care for. I want a chance - why won't God give me my chance? :-(


Saturday, April 23, 2005

The round-up.

I formatted my PC. Three times, in fact. Man, I thought I had built in spyware/adware, but no, a Microsoft error was at fault.

Had today off, well, yesterday now. That's Friday - for those trying to figure it out. What did I do? Well, I woke up at 9 with Dave - he's staying over the weekend. Umm, tidied my room and stuff whilst Dave went to band practice. Caz went to Thorpe Park and Graham stayed at home too. I wish Charlie was off today - I needed help with revision. :( Dave came back around 6ish with Rach. Caz came around 7:30, then left at like 8. Rach left about 9:30. Charlie phoned from 7:40 - 9. Rach stole 25 minutes, then Dave spoke for 5 minutes, he asked if she'd like to speak to me again and then the phone was dead. o.0 Teh oddness. Anyway, she couldn't come because she didn't have any transport. Blah. Umm...Dave and Rach slept together for like 40 minutes. Dave let his foot get cold - silly Dave! He completed MGS 3, it's a decent game! Errr, I played BFME - lost 3 and won 1. I need to get back into shape.

So, back I go.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

After all that's been going on, you lie again?

Marriott! You are the focus of this post, feel special. No, don't - this is a rant. You told me the only reason you signed up to Xanga was because that was the only way you could view Charlie's Xanga. Well, I just signed out, cleared my history, cookies etc, refreshed several times and I could view it perfectly fine! So, thanks for lying. Again. I honestly feel like I don't know who you are anymore. You're not the guy I knew.

My Friends

Well, I've been a bit of an emotional guy some times and a knob at times, too. I'm really sorry if you're been on the receiving end of either. Umm...I love you guys and I'm sorry if I do something to piss you off. However, that apology does not include yesterday, Dave. :P So, yes, back to my philosophy essay.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Ha! How funny is this...! I have two friends who are really hurting and, and, am I! Lol!!! Get the funny part?

No? Nor do I. :-(

Totally immune to emotion

I just wish that I felt no pain, that I was totally emotionless. I wish I didn't hate people and I wish I was immune to love. I just don't get justice, it's so odd. Bleh, I'm not explaining this to anyone - so don't ask. I just know that right now, I feel so cold but I'm not shivering. Yet, while feeling so cold, I'm sweating like crazy. I sound like a psycho. Heh.

When will you bother to make conversation?

I'm crying tonight, I'm hurting tonight, I'm breathing tonight and it's all for you... says:
Hello Rachel!
"RLB - Righteous Living Babe!" [Christian finger of power!] May the best of your past be the worst of your future says:
Hiya hun
I'm crying tonight, I'm hurting tonight, I'm breathing tonight and it's all for you... says:
How are you?
"RLB - Righteous Living Babe!" [Christian finger of power!] May the best of your past be the worst of your future says:
I'm crying tonight, I'm hurting tonight, I'm breathing tonight and it's all for you... says:
How come?
"RLB - Righteous Living Babe!" [Christian finger of power!] May the best of your past be the worst of your future says:
Swimming, just generally...
I'm crying tonight, I'm hurting tonight, I'm breathing tonight and it's all for you... says:

All she does is fucking answer, never tries to maintain a conversation. >.>

Alright, well, some stuff.

What's now dominating my mind is the issue of Marriott and Caz. They've been getting on very well lately and were supposed to be going out by the end of this week. That's off the agenda! Marriott has decided they can't and won't go out. I feel so sorry for the girl, her heart must be broken. So now, she has Rachel against her and Marriott won't go out. How much must that suck? She's such an emo kid but this time, I must say I do feel sorry for her. I wonder if Rachel will find out, that's if Captain N-B plucks up the courage to tell her. I think he stills needs to tell her, since she is under the impression he stills likes her. That's something new for you, Marriott. She also thinks that Caz is suffering. So there you go, Rachel is unaware of the truth. Anyway, I wish them 3 would sort things out.

Onto other things, today was a bore. Had two free periods, in Ethics we continued with our utilitarian spider diagrams, in History we continued with notes and read something then in psychology we talked over revision aswell as some stuff on social influence. Don't remember

Anyway, I feel ill. Still, only Dave cares about commenting on here. Why don't YOU sign up Marriott? You signed up to Xanga for Charlie, so why not sign up to blogger for me and Dave? Oh sorry, does the girl mean more again - this time? Hm, just thought about that. That's pissed me off now - he signed up to something for the girl, but he won't do the same thing for his guy friends. Heh, the Marriott we all know, right?

Monday, April 18, 2005

Hey - it's me again!

Well, I don't have anything major to say.

Umm, Dave alerted me to something today. The possibility of a group outcast, or possibly a group split. He thinks the choice will be between Rachel and Caz. I disagree, but if it comes down to it - I'm with Caz. She's been a great mate the past ummm...7 months or so. But more specifically, the past 3 weeks. Me and Rachel haven't been too great for like a year - not that she notices and not that I care. Dave would obviously go with Rach and so would Graham. I think Sam would remain impartial, as would Charlie. So who knows...I just hope we don't have an outcast or a split. Anyway, if someone has to be given the blame, it's Marriott. Rachel and Caz's feelings haven't changed - he's like a traffic light - he is one of three ways. Amber = "doesn't want a girlfriend", red = Caz and green = Rachel. The colours aren't meant to be symbolic of anything, except amber being the mid-way point. Err, so yeah.

Dave thinks I should side with Rachel because I sided with Caz last time and Graham agrees, saying the only reason I'm sticking with Caz is because of a "grudge against Rachel".
Well, the situation isn't the same. Caz and Marriott may actually go out, Rachel and Marriott were never going to go out. He stil had that "promise"(not to go out with a girl until he'd finished education). Also, Caz actually liked Rachel before she got hold of Marriott. This time round, Rachel doesn't like Caz right now, going by Friday - at the least. Caz still likes Rachel, from what I know and I don't think Caz has any reason to lie. But whatever, I just don't want things messed up again. Just sort it out, you nonces.

I can't talk much better of myself, I'm in a stupid situation. Bah.

Ummmm...if you haven't read Dave's blog, I suggest you read it. NOW! And if you haven't signed up to Blogger, blah at you.

Are you curious how I'm doing? No? Yes? I don't actually care. I'm not too bad. I kind of cleaned my PC, I had the Blaster worm. Well, I found it again on Ad-Aware today. Hmm...still having some trouble with DVD burning, although, I did burn one today.

*End of entry*


I just noticed that ever since I made it so you had to register to post, no-one posts. Is this because you all are too lazy to simply go to and sign up? Or would you care to throw another excuse at me?

Whatever, thanks for showing your affection.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Some more stuff.

  • My heart hurts - physically.
  • That person is less of a moron, now.
  • My neck and stomach also hurt.
  • I kind of fixed my PC.
  • I can't find my sound driver CD.

And, I want a sandwich with eggs...

My eyes hurt.

Probably because Sam put Fruit Shoot into them yesterday. *glares*

Anyway, aren't you people lucky? Two updates in ONE day. Wow...

So, I think I need to confirm something about Dave's blog relating to me and Graham. I think that I'm doing what Luke did to me, to Graham. So, me = Luke, Graham = me. Some of you won't understand, and I don't care.

I want the Hawk Nelson album. I want Dave to be happy and happy with himself. I want someone to stop being a fucking moron. I want someone to understand why it hurts when my Dad fails to say he loves me. I want to have a good birthday. I want to have a good holiday in Thailand. I want to pass my AS year with Bs.

Notice all the wants? Well, how could you not. But most of that stuff won't happy. :-/

Omg! Yesterday!

It bloody rocked!!! It was leik so cool!

Oh wait, no it wasn't. o.0 It was supposed to be Dave's birthday celebration day. Poor Dave. :( It started off by going to his, we gathered around to watch the NFG DVD. It was alright. The acoustic version of "My Friends Over You" is really sad. It pulled on some heart strings, but I don't know why. :-/ Walked to Uxbridge after we found out about an NFG EP. When we got in wnet straight for CD Warehouse and I got it. Mwhahahaha...but I handed it over to Dave, who bought it. I would have used all my money on it and I'm sure he'll appreciate it more. Plus, it was his "birthday celebration day". Then we went back to BHS 'cos Rach needed to go toilet.

Oh wait. I haven't actually told you who was "we". It was me, Dave, Charlie, Sam, Graham and Rach.

So, we walked past Moonsoon and she wasn't working! Nooooo! The first sign of a bad day to come. Well, there was one before in Dave's room - I lost my Link keyring. Blah. :( Anyway, BHS was boring. I text Caz a bit and then Graham came back with Rachel. HMV was next on the agenda. I don't know why I've decided to fit this in here, but all through the day I didn't feel very happy. I don't even know why. Everyone seemed lively enough, at the moment. There was just generally a bad aura being given off my people. I think I can break down this at the end of the entry. HMV was nothing special - I bought an Episode 3 poster of Darth Vader. Yay. Umm...don't know what we did after. We got some good at one stage and went to Burger King for food.

I'll go into what we did Burger King. We walked in there, with Sam going to get some money out. Graham went up for food, I just tok a seat on a table then Rach, Dave and Charlie went and sat on the other side. Charlie wouldn't sit next to me because of something I said - don't actually remember what it was. Then I decided I wanted food, so I went up. Charlie took my seat and then Graham went and sat next to her. Table full. There wasn't any tables around them that were empty. Bleh. Then Sam came in, I waited for him after receiving my order and we sat at a table on our own. I think Sam was the only one who didn't have a bad aura. I wasn't, possibly, but then again - I could have been. Graham came and joined us after he'd finished his meal. The mood wasn't any happier. me and Sam finished and I went over to the other table to tell them we were going.

Don't know what we did straight after BK. I think we went to GAME. Not much fun. Anyway, I don't remember much of the order of things - I told you there was a bad atmosphere. So just before we left, I got my dry cleaning. Oh wait, no, we went to Books Etc. I looked at the Clone Wars comics. Only had Volume 4, which was an interesting read. Walked back, and I split from them at the U4 bus stop that Dave gets off at. Off home, I was. They went to Dave's.

So, at home. I kinda tidied up, re arranged some stuff and talked to my parents. I wanted to play a BFME match but the servers were down. Blah. So, I booked the Episode 3 tickets. Slight problem for Craig - all the seats are in row L, I didn't get to choose where we sit. He needs to sit at the front so, that's something we need to try and work out. The guys came round at 6:50, even though me and Dave had agreed on 6:30. He said it wasn't his fault they were late, the rest were playing a "stupid card game". Anyway, boredom began and positions were taken up in the room. They came in with some chips, don't know who bought them but yeah. Sam and Dave paid me for the cinema, and so did Rach. Anyway, we were listening to music and then Rachel says "Can we listen to Christina Aguilera please?", or at least I think she said please. Sam, Graham and Dave were against it. I let them play it, but said "not the whole album". Number 3 was put on and fuck me, it was so boring. It went on for an hour, or so it felt. Anyway, we let it play. Then Sam turned it off, Rachel turned it back on, Dave turned the power off at the wall so Rachel went to put that back on and Dave took the CD out. I gave it back to Rach but too late - spite mode had kicked in. She was like "no, no - it's okay". Then Marriott came. I then put on American Pie by request of Marriott, then Sam and Dave. Got to the Nadia stripping bit and Marriott wasn't very pleased with it. Hm. Anyway, during the film, Graham spent most of his time staring at my wall, Rachel was on the side of my bed next to my PC and Charlie was in between them, on the big pillow. Bad, bad atmosphere being given off there. On the sofa, it was rather cool - me, Marriott and Sam. Dave was on my PC chair. We seemed alright! Film ended and 4 of us decided to play FIFA 2005. Me and Graham vs Dave and Marriott. We lost the first match and then I got the big pillow and sat on the sofa, with it behind me. Charlie jumped onto it and the next match began. Charlie was playing with my hair and Graham glanced back a few times giving me rather evil looks, I felt rather umm...awkward? That might be adequate. But on a lighter note, people playing with your hair is nice. We lost that match too, btw. I think we played another, but not sure. I do know that Dave couldn't be bothered with the last match.

The atmosphere was just such a load of shit after that. Sam seemed alright, but with everyone else not being too happy he wasn't his usual self. Rachel and Charlie got a lift at 10:15pm, which I thought was early. From what I know today, I know Rachel wanted the lift because she wasn't pleased with the atmosphere. Don't think Charlie did, but I can only put that down to the tone of her voice when Rachel told her she was getting a lift then. Sam was next to leave. Then Marriott. Graham was going home, so me and Dave went with him which was so that Dave could get his pills. He was sleeping round, you see.

So, when we returned back to mine, the atmosphere was still there. Dave wanted me to play BFME. I couldn't play any quick matches, the servers were down. So, he fell asleep on a sofa but then I got a custom match - 3 vs 3 - and he woke up. That match sucked. Ally quit early on, then all 3 factions took me out. Damn EA for quick matches being down, could have been GameSpy, though. Oh yeah! Before the matches, though, I found my Philosophy coursework!!! Yay!

That was the highlight of my day. Sad, right? I very much think so. I'll now break down what was causing the bad atmosphere:
  • Rachel - annoyed at Caz then, annoyed at Dave.
  • Graham - wanted reciprocation from Charlie.
  • Dave - annoyed at himself and Marriott. Probably me, too.
  • Charlie - didn't want to reciprocate Graham's feelings.
  • Me - felt awkward, annoyed at myself and Marriott.
I think the only people who weren't giving off a bad aura were Sam and Marriott, but as you can see, Marriott was a contributor to the bad atmpsphere. Fin.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Join Blogger.

I put this in a comment, but not everyone will read that comment. If you want to post a comment from now on, you have to be a member of Blogger. Saves me wondering who the anonymous posters are. Anyway, might update properly again later. Ciao for now.

So, the latest and some more.

Well, let's go over what's been happening today. Well, things have got slightly weirder between me and Graham. No need to say anything, it's not for you to know.

I got two English mock results back; "top" C and a B. The "top" C was in the Blake paper. My teacher said I lost marks because I didn't write about form - that's because I didn't know what it was. I wasn't in for the lesson, I was in the US, and she never gave me the notes! Blah. I also know it was because I didn't write enough on one of the poems we had to recollect to compare. I wasn't too disheartened with a "top" C. I feel confident that in the real thing, I'll get a B. Yeah, I can do that. o.0 The B was in Pride and Prejudice. "Miss" Dudley thinks I'll do better in the real thing, so I'm guessing she thinks I'll get an A. Yay! I read teh Mr Bingley - he's pretty cool. Umm...dropped marks on not expanding enough on my essays. Bleh, sorry I write slow. o.0 Well, I do write slow, but I also cram more into a sentence than most people I know (13 words average).

Anyway, outside of school, I'm still tidying my room. Will it ever be tidy? I doubt it...ha ha. =p

Back to school, I've lost my philosophy coursework. I'm going to cry. :( I don't have a back up - either. *cries* Please pray for me, people. I had all these changes to make, but they didn't even need to be done - most of it was alrady in there! For example, she asked me to include whether Plato was a dualist or not. Read my second paragraph, bitch; "Plato was the first dualist...". Some people...

Anyway, still on school. The year 13s leave in 4 weeks...nooo! No more Amy Bacon, "there" girl, Lisa Barr or Jo. But I'm hoping to see some pretty faces next year...

Errr, I'm totally skint. Ah! How can I have no money?! Bleh, hate having no money. I also hate being in debt. Blah, blah, blah!

Got PC problems, still. I think I posted about these some time back. Basically, I have to format or reinstall XP Pro. I think I'll reinstall XP Pro today. Let's hope that fixes my error. Basically, I can't burn DVDs and my memory is being sucked away by something. I also have a stupidly slow startup and many other errors like my combo drive not being found by my PC. >.<

So, yes, off I go to tidy my room, whilst looking for my coursework. See ya...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

An interesting post: the whole Rachel and Luke thing.

Okay, so. I think I should post on this since it's what I had on my mind since I went to bed and it's one of the first things that I thought of when I woke up. So, am I going to rant about how Luke was a total cock and got hold of the girl I fancied on my bed for a rather long time? No, I'm not.

I would rather go onto my changed opinion of this. I used to blame Luke 95% and Rachel 5%. I broke off my friendship with Luke because I thought he was basically the reason I was experiencing this really hard emotional pain. It really hurt, my heart actually hurt me.

So, I thought my best friend was rubbing it into me that he'd scored with the girl I wanted. Well, maybe but I got some things wrong. I realized yesterday that actually, Rachel was the one who's at fault. Luke was with her because he genuinely liked her. Rachel was using him as an escape tool from Marriott. Now, realizing this, can anyone understand how much of a knob I feel like for pushing my best friend away? I got rid of the wrong friend. And now, I live to regret that. *sigh*

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Thursday (London etc.)

Well, I'd arranged for us all to meet at the Uxbridge train station at 10:30am. That was not looking likely when I woke up at 9:20am. So I got out of bed, got my socks and other stuff and suddenly - it's 9:30am! =o So I had a 10 minutes shower, ironed my jeans and it was 10 to. :( Then I remembered I had to buy the paper, so I did that. Then I did my hair, let the dog out, got a drink and by the time I was ready it was 10. I was 5 late for meeting Dave! So I got to his at 5 past and we left his around 10 past - he had to turn his PC off, get his stuff and put shoes on. Met Caz around quarter past - crap! But then - Caz's mum gave us a lift in, hooray! So we were in at 25 past and Sam joined us at 10:33am. Charlie and Emily strolled in at 10:40am - trust them! Bet it was Charlie's fault. =P

So we bought our travelcards and they cost us £6. But I think Charlie, Emily and Caz got away with child travelcards. Blah, so the guys paid for adult travelcards. >.> Boarded the Metropolitan Line train. I wanted to board the train that had "Cockfosters" on it...hehehehe. Then when we were on the Met train Emily tells us we should have got on the "Cockfosters" train! BLAH! So we stayed on the Met train. Got off at Rayner's Lane, and boarded our Piccadilly Line train. The train ride wasn't much fun. I sat on a seat and listened to my MiniDisc player - the day surely had to get better. So, we got off at
Covent Garden. I was expecting there to be a garden or a park or something but I was quite wrong. We went into this marketplace bit where there was girl stuff everywhere. Teh fun. Anyway, we spent around 15 minutes in there then left. Don't quite remember where we went...wait. Yes I do! Into Quicksilver we went. Dave saw this soft pink t-shirt for £35 and he said he’d buy it if he didn’t get his pedal. I thought “pfffft…you’re kidding”. After that we moved onto Gadget shop, the lam0rz. It sucked. Then we moved into this mini shopping center. It had what, 5 shops? One qas a Quicksilver, and it had that pink t-shirt again. Ha was quite nice. Anyway, we left and decided it was time to eat - indeed! Around 1:30pm, it was. So, we made our way towards Leicester Square. Went past a sex shop which Charlie jokingly (is that even a word?!) tried to take me. Not funny. >.> Anyway, on to Burger King we marched! I tried the new Chicken BLT, and it was yummy. Charlie didn't eat there and if I recall correctly, neither did Emily. Anyway, I had my meat to make up for Caz, who's a vegetarian. Gotta love Maddox. =P Upon leaving, we went back the way we came *teh sad* It was approaching 2:20pm now and for some reason, I felt sluggish and tired. Anyway, off to Denmark Street! Dave was looking for a guitar pedal thing, didn't find it and we only spent like 30 minutes down there, probably less. Anyway, we made our way back towards Covent Garden. I don't remember when this fits in, but we went to Marks&Spencer sometime after leaving BK and getting to Covent Garden. Charlie bought some stuff from there, while me, Dave and Caz shared a fascinating conversation. Sam was there too, but he was just lurking. Anyway, we set off for Quicksilver and Dave phoned his parents to ask if they minded him buying the t-shirt. They said no, so he bought it. 'Twas cool, £35 is stupidly expensive, anyway. =P Then we went to the toilets and I enjoyed my release of urine. Mmm...then we saw this hobo fall over and the French people were staring at him and you could tell they were thinking "stupid fat British man". We stared at him for a while, walked toward HMV and then saw these 2 guys starting a street act up. Couldn't be bothed, went into HMV. I saw teh uber Episode 3 posters...*drool* Charlie got Emily her birthday present and that is all that was bought. Now, it was like 4pm, if I am correct which I'm probably not, but hey. Err...went home after.

The train ride was again, rather boring. Umm...listened to music for the whole ride. And yeah, thought over some stuff. Back to Uxbridge we went. Charlie and Emily caught a U2 home, me, Sam , Caz and Dave got a U4. Caz and Dave got off at the same stop - Caz walked home. Sam got off at the next - went to his nan's. And I was off at the one after - to go home.

Okay, so I got in and checked cinema times for The Ring 2. Saw it was 7, I think, and thought alright, must invite people. So I sent texts out to the same people I'd text this morning for London. Then I went in for a shower and remembered that I'd forgotten Graham. Phone was upstairs so I thought I'd do it when I got out. So, I showered and dressed etc. I actually forgot to text Graham. Told Sam, Caz and Dave to meet me at the bus stop for 6:20 and then we'd go in together. Sam said he was giving lifts to Emily and Charlie. Sure, give lifts to those who get a bus for 40p. :-/ Anyway, then I was leaving at 6:10, then decided I needed to have a crap. Had one, got some more money and then my dad stopped me and offered me a lift into Uxbridge. I declined saying I was going in with Caz and Dave - big mistake. So I left my house, started sprinting to the bus stop - it was 6:20 now - and I was outside the Forbuoys. Then I got a text from Dave telling me him and Caz had caught a bus. Yay... However, I didn't read the text 'til I'd got to the traffic lights outside the hospital entrance. So I'd just run in the rain and declined a lift with no-one to go in with. Got a bit p'ed that they couldn't of wait, I was only 2 minutes, literally, late. So, I waited then a U7 came. Got in and he fucking took ages talking to the guy who was monitoring the buses...grr! So I left there at 6:28, when I should have been leaving at 6:24. So, I arrived there at 6:33, still pretty early. Met Caz and Dave, ignored Caz twice but I was over my p'ed off mood anyway. Charlie, Emily and Sam came at 6:45, then one of them had to get money. Finally came up around 6:50pm and we bought tickets. Went in and sat like this:

Sam | Dave | Aaron (me) | Charlie | Caz | Emily

Sam and Dave wanted me to sit between me to scare them - hell no! Felt sorry for Charlie and Emily. Caz went on, and on, and on...and on all through the film! Poor them. Even I heard her...poor me. Poor Dave, too. Actually poor all of us. =P Anyway, the movie was not worth £7. I'd have rather sleep, and we all know how much I hate sleeping. End of film, Sam gave Charlie and Emily lifts home - fair enough. Me, Dave and Caz caught a U3. End of day. Actually, Dave slept at mine. Remember on bus home about Graham. Felt bad, but then it went away because I saved him from wasting £7. Played BFME a bit and played Return of The King on GameCube. Bleh...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I went to bed at 9:30...whoa! Wait a second - what's wrong?

So yeah, I went to bed at 9:30. I didn't fall asleep right away, I cried a bit, text Caz and then opened up my Bible whilst crying some more. I read some random parts all over the place. Then, I started reading Revelation, I wanted to find out more about the end of the world and stuff. So, I read and errr, yeah, it was cool. I didn't get very far, I fell asleep after reading the seven letters. I just woke up like 10 minutes ago to 4 missed calls(I think they were all from Graham), a text from Caz and a text from Dave.

*sigh* I'm really sad, as you might have guessed from my crying quite a bit. Meh, I think I'll briefly tell you why. Actually, I tell you what I text Caz:

"I can't cope. I wasn't born to succeed, Caz. I'm a crap son, I suck as a friend, I don't know much about computers and I don't do well academically. I'm a failure through and through."

I think that explains it, right? Basically, my dad hates me and gave me some very scary threats last night. Threats that really hurt to hear like "I'll fucking kill you", "I'll disfigure your face" and some other ones. All to these stupid accusations of things he thought I did, and because of my scanner freezing out my PC. He stated ONE thing that I agree with; no-one else but me may use my PC. I didn't get my PC into this critical coniditon, I love my PC. But someone else has done something to it and it's completely screwed. I can't format 'til I have certain things backed up, and nothing will back up because the PC is fucked. Even Safe Mode won't properly run. The PC restarts after like 30 seconds in Safe Mode. Meh...I wish I had unlimited webspace to put my stuff. The essentials is only like a gig, probably less. Let me check... Okay, make that 3.61 gb. But I do have the photos and videos from a party and a gig. Wait, two gigs. So yeah, the rest is My Pictures, Word Documents and some pictures/videos of my trip to California in February.

Bleh, still sad and stuff.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Shov and teh other random stuff. =P

So, I'll go from the beginning of my day. It started with BFME...mwahahahaha! So, I played one match with Gondor and lost to some random guy and CloneTrooper. He is fucking awesome, used to be rank 1. He uses Isengard, so I watched the reply and thought "hmmm...that looks like a good strategy". So I played a match with Isengard using his strat - and won. So I played 6 more games and had 2 d/cs with 4 losses. pwnage. One of the d/cs was by my own ally! Wait, no. I played SEVEN more games, and had 3 d/cs. Two were by my allies. And in one of the games, he saved me a loss. *phew* :D
So, waking up was at like 10:30. Caz came round at like 12:30 and we went to Uxbridge, eventually. Err, walked in and it was like teh uber slow. When going past the RAG camp, we saw "Shov" on an RAF plane, so I decided that it sounded like "chav" if a Russian were to say it. So in Uxbridge we went to random shops and stuff. All around Uxbridge, we were pointing out the shovs. Blah, so many.We saw a dancing man holding the Sony pole! He was so cool! Caz didn't film him - blah! We walked to Sainsbury's, stayed with Dave until 4:15pm. Then when leaving, we saw this hobo guy rummaging(sp?) through the recycling bin! WTF?! He was like err...teh uber shov! Shov of them all! Lord shov! Mwahahahahahaha!
Errr, home now. Teh uber place of doom.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Change of Mood and Marriott Rant Part 3

Well, quick note and I'll come back to this; Marriott, I hope you're reading this blog. It expresses my feelings better than I could face-to-face. Not that I ever meet up with you. You're either in London, with Caz or having a band practice. So...yeah.

I'm feeling quite happy, but cold. Wait, kinda hot but my legs are cold. And you know what's helped this mood come about? Well, in no particular order; Caz, Charlie, Emily, Dave and BFME. Aswell as Awix-poo. Why? Well, alright..

Alix (Awix-poo): Just generally a laught to talk to. :P
BFME: Yes, it's a game. Just cheered me up to see me win 4 games. Really depressed me to get drawn on Osgiliath twice - lost both, btw. And lost when my Rohan ally was sieged early by Mordor. Hah. :( But yeah, winning games thing is good!
Caz: Rang me earlier to check how I was and if I'd cheered up. Really nice and very appreciated. Thank you, Caz.
Charlie: Just seemed to care quite a bit, and yeah. Thanks. :)
Dave: My best friend who always finds ways to make me laugh. Thank you man. I owe you the biggest thanks. Without you, who knows where I'd be?
Emily: Just think she genuinely cared about me, thanks Em. Ha ha, never called you Em before. :P

Back to Marriott. Listen man, I don't know if I can trust you, anymore. I mean, how can I guarantee you haven't blocked me and you're not on now? You've done this before. Remember the Rachel and Caz episode before? Yeah, Caz busted you on that one, "mate". *shudder* I hate using that word, makes me think I'm trying to be an Aussie. So yeah, whatever, can't trust you. Fin.