Monday, April 25, 2005

If I could turn back the times...

...I'd probably change a few things, but I like what I have now. Although, some of it could be better.

Anyway, let's start with Saturday, shall we? Actually, I'll only blog on Saturday.

So, day started with me and Dave waking up...with morning glory. *sigh* He had it from 9:30 - 10, when I was asleep and I had it from 10:30. The timing is SO odd. Anyway, he tried to go on the PC but woke up to a scary formatting screen...mwhahaha. Anyway, he played MGS3. I believe he completed it...on "very easy". Ha ha...n00b! Anyway, the game rocks and I dreamt about it. Lame, I am. I think I showered next and upon finishing, me and Dave walked into Uxbridge. Or did we bus it? Hmm...bus, it was! 'Cos I paid for Dave, and I remember that. And whilst some of you are STILL dwelling on the fact I showered and then walked into Uxbridge, I DID change into clothes! Went with Dave to buy his mum's present and card - then Sam met us, after getting p'ed about not being invited out. I just forgot and I don't know why he cared - Uxbridge is lame. Walked back to mine and the three of us just chatted. Dave waited to get ready to go to work, got ready around 1:20. Mum gave him a lift to work at 1:40. Rachel and Marriott came at 3. They took VERY long in Uxbridge, after calling me at 1:30 to ask if they could come round. Since they got a lift to mine, it's curious how you can spend so long in Uxbridge with just yourself and one other person. Getting hold of each other, again? Now, that would be interesting. We played Mario Kart a bit - me, Marriott and Rach. I pwn them both, and Marriott's better than Rachel. She gave me a run for my money on one track, and did make me come 3rd. But only once did that happen. They left around 5; Marriott got a lift off Rach. Me and Sam did err...stuff at mine. :S Don't remember what - I believe he played LoTR: Return of the King whilst I showered and then browsed the web. At 5:30, we left mine to meet Dave. Ended up catching a 427 after waiting 5 minutes for an A10. Then, whilst waiting at the bus stop for the 427 to go, an A10 passed us! Grr! Met Dave, caught bus back. Had to rush and get ready for Caz's baptism. Dave back to his at 6:20 and rushed to get ready. Rachel rang me at 6:30 and urged me to be at Dave's in 15 minutes...I thought "ahh, not going to make it!" Sam left mine at 6:37, with me. I rang to Dave's and made it on time. We'd both decided on bright shirts - i wore lime green and he wore his orange one. Rach came at 7 - late, like always. Ironic coming from me, but I've been punctual lately. Went to go pick Chris up, but he thought it was Sunday...umm, no?! So we went straight to Ruislip and got there in like 15 minutes?! Mr Bradley is teh uber man! Me and Dave walked in to the church and got called "Joy's bedroom" - by Peter Thomas. Yay. So err, all Caz's little friends were there...*cries* So were her mum and dad - that's cool. So was Charlie and the whole Thomas family. So, we sat down and in my pew(sp?):

Kariss | Charlie | Moi | Dave | Rachel

The service was cool, Kariss and Charlie were harassing me though. I feel sorry for Kariss...Charlie's a paedo...of doom!

So, Caz's speech was umm, strange and not very good. She pointed out that Marriott was one of her friends who helped her become a better Christian. No offence to him/you but I strongly disagree. Sure, I don't know what goes on when they're alone, and I don't want to know either but I know what goes on from what I observe.
  • Marriott is Caz's primary love, not God.
  • Marriott is the reason Caz cries, most of the time.
And I have nothing else to hand right now, but I know she's negative because of him. On the note of the two of them, I don't understand his logic. He went out with her (unwillingly) and then dumped her within a few days. Whatever, noob. And she wants it again - even if he will dump her, wtf?!

So, the baptisms looked like they were trying to kill them. After the service, went into back and sat on the couch next to Charlie, with Dave on the other side of her. Dave kept making jokes about her falling apart. Poor Charlie... However, the jokes were funny. =P Umm, joked around and stuff - left there at 9:25ish. Me, Dave, Charlie, Rach and Marriott went back to mine. We had an uber time. Charlie quickly took the bed, Marriott had the other chair - don't remember Rach and Dave. I had the PC chair whilst I tried to sort out the PC, gave up around 10:15. Assumed a position on the bed, sharing the big pillow with Charlie. Well, I had 30% and she had 70%. Rach took my chair and Dave was on sofa. Umm, we had an awesome time just chatting about stuff like erections, periods and random stuff. It was just so open and cool - we were mature teenagers and it rocked! I also spent my time stroking Charlie's leotard and messing around her. Leotard's are amazing, especially when you have a body to match the awesomeness of it. *ahem* It was so stroke-able. ANYWAY!

I fucked up my PC last night! It won't start up or anything. The fan was like in hyper mode and the monitor wasn't responding to the tower. *sigh*

Moving onto the other area of my life; love. I want someone to hold and show my affection. Just someone to care for and stuff. I feel like everyone has had that, except me. Everyone's had their chance with someone they truly care for. I want a chance - why won't God give me my chance? :-(



Blogger Aaron said...

Meh...I didn't want to put you in, so I didn't want to make you feel sad.

9:17 pm  
Blogger Aaron said...

I just didn't feel the need to include you - I would have had to shar emy emo-ness.

10:23 pm  
Blogger emily jane said...

I actually cannot think of anything remotely productive to say apart from that your chance will come and when it does, it'll probably mean more to you than if it had come earlier. :)

11:49 pm  
Blogger Aaron said...

That was actually a very well constructed comment. :-P

Thanks. :)

11:58 pm  
Blogger emily jane said...

Why thank you. *bows* :D

12:14 am  
Blogger Aaron said...

That's a shame...

You'll get another soon.

4:52 pm  
Blogger Aaron said...

So , you're already over Simon?

3:15 pm  
Blogger Aaron said...

Yeah, green rocks and I think it looks pretty neat.

9:46 pm  

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