Thursday, April 28, 2005

Well, my computer's gone.

Dropped it off at the "Initial City Link" depot at 5:30. Hoping to get it back my next Friday, but it could take until Tuesday 10. They only have to replace the motherboard. Maybe my memory and fan too. But hey, whatever. I should have got an XPS. I do need 4 fans.

So, in other stuff. I have a neat blog entry coming soon; it's a bit for everyone. I'll try and get it out by Sunday. Maybe today, but I did want to try and do my philosophy coursework.

So, on the subject of school. I got a B/C on a philosophy timed essay. Bah at Clark. So I forgot quotes...big deal. I also forgot about Kenny and Plato. Omfg! I should have got a B, you crab cake. I handed in my miracles essay today. I included Aquinas, wonder if I'll get bonus marks for extra reading? I hope so. :-D Dave's A part was so short, I wonder what miss thinks of it? Since to her, it's quantity, not quality. Oh oh! Quality line my Mr Nokes - "it's not the size that matters". It was in reference to the answer of a question, but it was funny. :-D I'm glad he's looking for quality over quantity. I need to speed up my writing pace. Although, in psychology, I did write 3/4 page in 12 minutes. o.0 Teh uber. Yes, I finished my psychology test early. Like 6 minutes too early! :o Hope I still did well.

So, on other matters, I'm feeling numb. My head hurts. Dave got really hurt yesterday, and I really want to help him. Me and Marriott got on quite well today - I guess I've just dropped the whole Caz and him thing. They can do whatever they want; it's none of my business. I'll eat those words sometime soon, I can tell. This one person's driving me crazy lately, and it's so annoying. I suck at FIFA; officially.

Oh, 3 day weekend coming up! But it's going to suck MAJOR dong.
Saturday = Dave at work, Breathe in evening. I probably won't go Breathe.
Sunday = guys go to church, I don't. A day of boring-ness.
Monday = band are having a practice. Yay! Not. >.> I'm sleeping until like 5 or something. Be good for my body.

Not many rants to say, except I have a lot of nasty names to call a "friend". Apparently, I'm being guided by the devil and Dave is being "held" by the devil. So fuck you, "friend". Had to put up with their fake crap today; I honestly do not want to hear it.

I possibly heard the funniest thing all week last night, but I can't tell anyone. Someone/Some people might get offended.



Blogger Aaron said...

You're being held by the devil, so pfft at you! :P

9:14 pm  
Blogger The Ian said...

Just thought I'ld let you no I am reading! Mr Nokes quote sounds funny and fruit shoot in the eyes! painful!

7:15 pm  
Blogger Aaron said...

Thanks for the reply, Ian.

Fruit shoot in the eyes BURNS.

I'm so cold...

2:33 am  

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