My Friends
Well, I've been a bit of an emotional guy some times and a knob at times, too. I'm really sorry if you're been on the receiving end of either. Umm...I love you guys and I'm sorry if I do something to piss you off. However, that apology does not include yesterday, Dave. :P So, yes, back to my philosophy essay.
Okay, this is gonna be a relatively long comment seeing as i aint been able to get onlin for a while and just read all of your entries that i've missed so im gonna comment on the all the stuff in one comment to save time and space.
FIRSTLY,thats why i aint commented on your blog for a while - cos i aint been able to get online. Not becasue i couldnt be arsed to sign up. See, I care lol.
SECONDLY, Im really sorry to hear that you havent been too happy recently. i know what ya mean about wanting to feel numb to all that stuff. I wish that too sometimes. Its perfectly understandable. I dont really know what to say to try and cheer you up cos i generally just make people feel worse so all i can say is ... SMILE!! And if ya ever wanna chat bout anything to anyone impartial (sort of) or just wanna chat, im always here.
THIRD AND FINALLY - Im sure all of the problems that are going on in yor group right now will sort themselves out. Every group goes throught their little phases of breaking up and feeling awkward and stuff, but soon enough it will blow over and you wont remember it after a while. Just give it time.
Blah, Emily and Kim rock!
No, you and Dave suck - and I'm very grateful. =P
Oh, and Emily, don't worry about it then. Thanks for taking the time to sing up and stuff. Same with you, Graham and Kim. You lot rock. Dave, you just pwn, anyway.
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