Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ai saretai, ai saretai bakari

I want to ask you a question and yes, it does apply to you. When did mine and your friendship turn to this piece of shit that we now try to label "a friendship"?


Blogger Knox said...

When you stopped giving a shit about me? I don't feel like you want me around at all when I'm with you. I feel like an addition all the time, a plus 1. I'm never invited out, or round or whatever. Meh. You asked.

10:56 pm  
Blogger Aaron said...

Right back at you. When was the last time you invited me out? Or the last time you invited me to your house?

I invited you round the yesterday lunch time, did I not? And I still "give a shit about you" but you do drive me up the wall sometimes.

12:32 am  
Blogger Knox said...

I invited you out over Easter but you were always too busy. I don't bother inviting you round anymore coz whenever I have done you've never come. The only time I can recall that you did have been on my birthday and that time when you were locked out of your house.

Yes you did invite me yesterday lunch time, but that's the first time in a hell of a long time. I drive you up the wall? How exactly?

7:50 am  
Blogger Aaron said...

"I invited you out over Easter but you were always too busy."


I was in the USA.

"I don't bother inviting you round anymore coz whenever I have done you've never come"


"I drive you up the wall? How exactly?"

The way every thing I seem to say related to WOW like "plx" or "i r 1337" pisses you off and you jokingly throttle my neck or something. This is who I am. My reclusion has driven me to <3 WOW. Gief more plx

8:30 am  
Blogger Aaron said...

Oh wow, I used do instead of did -.-

11:35 pm  

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