The weekend, with me going on a tangent occasionally.
Friday night: I invited Dave, Charlie, Rach and Caz round. Charlie bailed because her parents wouldn't let her out, or something. Rach and Dave came round(6:15ish) but my mum said they couldn't come in until I'd walked the dog. So, the three of us walked Tilly. We went through the mid-way point on my road, around the council estate place, back through this road which passes past the incinerator - which we shouldn't have taken because it's only for "authorized vehicles" and buses and then we went back to mine. We messed around whilst Caz was running late as usual. Sam came around 7:30. Caz came about 8. Nothing special happened, it all honesty. Where was everyone else, is probably something you're wondering about. Actually, I bet you don't give a shit. But anyway; Graham was at his grand father's 70th thing at a pub where he met Charlie's parents, who were keeping her in. I don't even get why she wasn't allowed out - they weren't in and Kariss wasn't in! Blah, the stupidity and repression of parents is annoying. I stayed up until the early morning chatting to Charlie and Graham. Graham and me ended up arguing about space to leave at a petrol station then he blocked me; lame is the only way to describe him blocking me. Me and Charlie had a really nice conversation. Yay...Ended up going to bed at 25 minutes past midnight.
Saturday: Woke up at 4:15am; I pretty much sprung up when my dad woke me up. We were going to Billingsgate Fish Market - yay! So, I got dressed and washed - ready by 4:30. We left then and I took my Philosophy text book as well as a PC mag. I read up on the ontological argument on the way there and it tries to prove the existence of God, saying that he is a necessity. Well, the argument isn't as strong as one would have liked. But Hume didn't criticize it - it must have confused him too much! Ha ha, Hume sucks. Got to fish market and it's cool. You see all the moving stuff and the big fish. Dad bought 4 salmon, 2 boxes of prawns, 1 box of Seabass and something else. Blah. On the way back, I read my PC mag. Pretty cool, just read up on PC protection and stuff. Got home(7:05), played some FIFA matches and won 2 and then drew the 3rd. So I went to sleep around 7:40. I ended up waking around 10:40. *yawn*But something cheered me up, that I knew would happen today. =P So, I showered, ate, talked to mum and some other stuff I don't remember. Caz was running late for meeting me. . Sam rang me at like 11:35 and was like "where the hell are you?" He, along with Caz, thought I said I'd be at his at 11:30. Nuh uh, I said it depended on when I got up, which depended on how tired I was. So, I told Graham around 11:37 to come to mine ASAP
So, Graham came and then straight after, Caz came. You could tell Graham was depressed, or I could. Or he was pissed off with me - but I didn't care; I was still happy. Got a lift to Sam's, then the four of us got a lift to Marriott's. He was slightly late in getting ready. Left his at 12. Walked to Charlie's and as usual, she was running late. :P We went in and sat on her sofa, just chillin'. :D She was ready around 12:10. Her mother offered us a lift, but we declined because walking is good for you. We went onto Ryefield, which led onto the "first" Sweetcroft, then we took a left at the end onto the "second" Sweetcroft.
That took us straight into Uxbridge. We first went to the Natwest bank, through The Chimes. Oh, btw Mark was running late so Caz was glad she wasn't super late in meeting up with him. We got in around 12:45, btw. Probably later. I drew out £250 - £50 for me, £200 for father. Graham took some money out. I still think all students should get EMA, or no-one at all. It's not fair, and I will continue to moan about it. So in Uxbridge, we went to Game, then Gamestation. Then Mark phoned Caz to say he was in. Caz and Charlie ran ahead - but me, Sam, Marriott and Graham had finished in GameStation so we followed. They met him, then went into WestOne whilst Mark came to us. This is Mark Pesket from "Hope" that I'm talking about, btw. The guys(me, Marriott, Sam, Mark and Graham) went into CD Warehouse. Graham bought something and Sam bought Tron. Oh yeah, Graham bought a Finch album. We went to find the girls when we left but no sign of them was to be found. Ended up waiting 10 minutes outside CD Warehouse. In that time, me and Graham went into WHSmiths and bought two Cherry Cokes for £1.30 - bargain. :P So, I don't remember much of Uxbridge, so I'll pick up on what I do remember. We went to H&M, where Charlie and Caz went in to do something. Oh yeah, Charlie bought a new top from somewhere and apparently it was "impulse buying". Yeah....Whatever. =P Anyway, Marriott left us outside H&M.
I'll go on a small tangent here. He was cool today, polite all round but nothing much changes. Quite flirty with Caz. Oh new tangent! He fancies her, but doesn't want to go out with her. SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME! If someone wants to come back at me with "because Carol told him not to date her". I'm going to throw this back at you "it has nothing to do with her!". Just like Dave and Rachel is NONE of her business. She's like "anti-relationship bitch"! And I am not being guided by the Devil, okay?! Grrr. [/tangent 1]
Onto Dixons we moved. I had a quick look around, Sam and Charlie waited outside on the rail. After like 10 minutes in there, we left. Went onto Burger King. Past Monsoon we went, and she was there.
Drop dead gorgeous, but is she my type? I don't think so. She seems a bit too needy. Yeah, yeah maybe I would like to satisfy her needs or whatever but I wouldn't like the responsibility. [/tangent 2]
Oh, yeah, at some point (2:20), we went to see Dave. I bought some shampoo and conditioner that's tropical fruit and it smells sooooo nice! Anyway, yes.
On our way to Bugger King, I went into The Entertainer to look at their lightsabers. It was £20 and pretty lame, so I left it. So, in Burger King, there was a table which was taken. I put my bag down on the corner. Then Charlie sat down, along with Mark and Graham. Mark and Graham were next to each other with Charlie on other side. Me, Sam and Caz bought food. Mark and Graham gave me money to buy drinks for them, and then they filled up seats at the table! Thanks a lot! So me and Caz got a new table, next to them. SECOND time I've been pushed off a table and it's not even like they were all eating. Me and Caz had a text convo, blah. This was where Graham's emo mood was evident. Left there and don't remember what happened. Errr...yes. I remember walking past The Chimes Entrance where McDonalds is, then Charlie grabbed Caz and they went to talk near the entrance. Oh yeah, Mark left us at the station to go home. So, the girls were chatting for quite a while and they came back rather cheery. Wonder what they were talking about. =P Graham and Caz then caught a U3 home. This left me, Sam and Charlie. We set off heading for Sam's, but at St John's Church, decided to go to mine.
At mine, we just chatted about stuff. Sam left around 5:45, or something. Me and Charlie sat down talking about random stuff and Pride and Prejudice became a focus point. I tried to explain it to Charlie. Just gave the basics like Jane and Bingley fall in love but they go through a separation period and then their love is rekindled and they marry. I also told the Elizabeth and Darcy story. I then made comparisons between P&P characters and people in the group. I told Charlie that she's Jane, hands down. I guess I shall explain why for each person.
Okay, Jane = Charlie. Basically, Jane is the "most beautiful creature [Bingley has] beheld". She always has a positive outlook on life and refuses to think badly of people. Jane is also pretty sensitive and loving. Just matches, right?
Darcy = Dave. Darcy's very rich, and although Dave's not a millionaire, he does have more money than the rest of us in the group. Darcy starts off as "proud" and arrogant. Dave can seem that way to people who don't know him, but as the book develops, we see that Darcy is caring and loving. He genuinely loves Elizabeth, as does Dave with Rachel.
I'm Bingley, and I've had no arguments. Yet. Mrs. Dudley (my English teacher) first said it was the perfect match up. Bingley's caring and easy going. That explains him, basically. He loves Jane and doesn't betray her. You could call me up myself for thinking I'm like him, but whatever. Bingley is the guy with the second biggest sum of money in the book, and that's how I view myself within our circle of friends.
Lydia = Caz. Lydia is rash and ignorant at times. However, I do think Caz is changing and so, this could be a harsh comparison. Lydia ends up foolishly falling in "love" with Wickham(a crude guy who's purely after money, then wastes it all on gambling and women).
I haven't assigned Sam, Marriott, Graham and Rachel. Actually! Rachel = Lady Catherine. Thinks she's above everyone else. All I can think of. Graham wanted a character, so Wickham = Graham? o.0[/tangent 3]
I enjoyed that time with Charlie. She's really nice to just chat with and sit down with. We get on really, really well. Or I think that, anyway. So, Dave, Graham and Caz came about 6:25. We went to Sam's. I ended up being a loner for most of the way there - that is why I hate being in odd numbers. Sam's was okay. Lounged around watching the music channels, me and Charlie were messing around with each other's feet. Walked Lou Lou (sp?), Sam's dog, and we ended up going to Coney. Sam went to kick Lou Lou's ball and ended up kicking it, but falling over. Hehe... Some chavs were laughing in the graveyard. n00bs. They ended up coming out and throwing stuff at us. We jus ignored, and walked out. Towards mine was the direction. Charlie started hobbling on the way. :( Poor girl, must suck to have her joint problem. So, in mine, I got my GameCube because I was staying at Sam's. I took some controllers too. We just went straight back to Sam's, I think it was because of Charlie. I didn't mind, suited me.At Sam's, I took the one seater and the other positions we taken up by the rest. I saw a position available that I should have taken, bah at not taking it. Graham and Caz left at 10:30. I ended up moving onto the sofa when they left. Charlie leant on me, and we just cuddled up together. It was nice and warm. Sam's Nan came at 11 to take her away. Me, Sam and Dave tagged along. Sam went in front. When we got there, me and Sam got out. Me and her hugged, and I just didn't want to let go. I don't know why, but I thought something was going to happen to her and it slightly scared me. I let go though, because I thought she might think I was weird or something. Her and Sam then hugged and she went to her door. Me and Sam piled in again. She waited to wave at us when we passed her. And off to Sam's we went! Me and Dave were sleeping over, btw. We watched The Abyss first. I fell asleep half way through and woke up for the last 20 seconds where this man and woman were standing on water kissing. So, we had some food after. I woke up saying something funny which Dave laughed at, but I won't repeat. He thought I was still unconscious when I said it. :D Anyway, had toast with Lurpak. Mmmm! We played a 99 minute Smash Bros. Melee game; I was Marth, Dave was Link and Sam was Roy. Sam won with a score of +7, Dave got +2 and I got -37! Wahoo! I was tired and not concentrating - had something on the mind. Started watching Tron but I fell asleep and that was at 4am. End of Saturday.
Saturday: Woke up at 4:15am; I pretty much sprung up when my dad woke me up. We were going to Billingsgate Fish Market - yay! So, I got dressed and washed - ready by 4:30. We left then and I took my Philosophy text book as well as a PC mag. I read up on the ontological argument on the way there and it tries to prove the existence of God, saying that he is a necessity. Well, the argument isn't as strong as one would have liked. But Hume didn't criticize it - it must have confused him too much! Ha ha, Hume sucks. Got to fish market and it's cool. You see all the moving stuff and the big fish. Dad bought 4 salmon, 2 boxes of prawns, 1 box of Seabass and something else. Blah. On the way back, I read my PC mag. Pretty cool, just read up on PC protection and stuff. Got home(7:05), played some FIFA matches and won 2 and then drew the 3rd. So I went to sleep around 7:40. I ended up waking around 10:40. *yawn*But something cheered me up, that I knew would happen today. =P So, I showered, ate, talked to mum and some other stuff I don't remember. Caz was running late for meeting me. . Sam rang me at like 11:35 and was like "where the hell are you?" He, along with Caz, thought I said I'd be at his at 11:30. Nuh uh, I said it depended on when I got up, which depended on how tired I was. So, I told Graham around 11:37 to come to mine ASAP
So, Graham came and then straight after, Caz came. You could tell Graham was depressed, or I could. Or he was pissed off with me - but I didn't care; I was still happy. Got a lift to Sam's, then the four of us got a lift to Marriott's. He was slightly late in getting ready. Left his at 12. Walked to Charlie's and as usual, she was running late. :P We went in and sat on her sofa, just chillin'. :D She was ready around 12:10. Her mother offered us a lift, but we declined because walking is good for you. We went onto Ryefield, which led onto the "first" Sweetcroft, then we took a left at the end onto the "second" Sweetcroft.
That took us straight into Uxbridge. We first went to the Natwest bank, through The Chimes. Oh, btw Mark was running late so Caz was glad she wasn't super late in meeting up with him. We got in around 12:45, btw. Probably later. I drew out £250 - £50 for me, £200 for father. Graham took some money out. I still think all students should get EMA, or no-one at all. It's not fair, and I will continue to moan about it. So in Uxbridge, we went to Game, then Gamestation. Then Mark phoned Caz to say he was in. Caz and Charlie ran ahead - but me, Sam, Marriott and Graham had finished in GameStation so we followed. They met him, then went into WestOne whilst Mark came to us. This is Mark Pesket from "Hope" that I'm talking about, btw. The guys(me, Marriott, Sam, Mark and Graham) went into CD Warehouse. Graham bought something and Sam bought Tron. Oh yeah, Graham bought a Finch album. We went to find the girls when we left but no sign of them was to be found. Ended up waiting 10 minutes outside CD Warehouse. In that time, me and Graham went into WHSmiths and bought two Cherry Cokes for £1.30 - bargain. :P So, I don't remember much of Uxbridge, so I'll pick up on what I do remember. We went to H&M, where Charlie and Caz went in to do something. Oh yeah, Charlie bought a new top from somewhere and apparently it was "impulse buying". Yeah....Whatever. =P Anyway, Marriott left us outside H&M.
I'll go on a small tangent here. He was cool today, polite all round but nothing much changes. Quite flirty with Caz. Oh new tangent! He fancies her, but doesn't want to go out with her. SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME! If someone wants to come back at me with "because Carol told him not to date her". I'm going to throw this back at you "it has nothing to do with her!". Just like Dave and Rachel is NONE of her business. She's like "anti-relationship bitch"! And I am not being guided by the Devil, okay?! Grrr. [/tangent 1]
Onto Dixons we moved. I had a quick look around, Sam and Charlie waited outside on the rail. After like 10 minutes in there, we left. Went onto Burger King. Past Monsoon we went, and she was there.
Drop dead gorgeous, but is she my type? I don't think so. She seems a bit too needy. Yeah, yeah maybe I would like to satisfy her needs or whatever but I wouldn't like the responsibility. [/tangent 2]
Oh, yeah, at some point (2:20), we went to see Dave. I bought some shampoo and conditioner that's tropical fruit and it smells sooooo nice! Anyway, yes.
On our way to Bugger King, I went into The Entertainer to look at their lightsabers. It was £20 and pretty lame, so I left it. So, in Burger King, there was a table which was taken. I put my bag down on the corner. Then Charlie sat down, along with Mark and Graham. Mark and Graham were next to each other with Charlie on other side. Me, Sam and Caz bought food. Mark and Graham gave me money to buy drinks for them, and then they filled up seats at the table! Thanks a lot! So me and Caz got a new table, next to them. SECOND time I've been pushed off a table and it's not even like they were all eating. Me and Caz had a text convo, blah. This was where Graham's emo mood was evident. Left there and don't remember what happened. Errr...yes. I remember walking past The Chimes Entrance where McDonalds is, then Charlie grabbed Caz and they went to talk near the entrance. Oh yeah, Mark left us at the station to go home. So, the girls were chatting for quite a while and they came back rather cheery. Wonder what they were talking about. =P Graham and Caz then caught a U3 home. This left me, Sam and Charlie. We set off heading for Sam's, but at St John's Church, decided to go to mine.
At mine, we just chatted about stuff. Sam left around 5:45, or something. Me and Charlie sat down talking about random stuff and Pride and Prejudice became a focus point. I tried to explain it to Charlie. Just gave the basics like Jane and Bingley fall in love but they go through a separation period and then their love is rekindled and they marry. I also told the Elizabeth and Darcy story. I then made comparisons between P&P characters and people in the group. I told Charlie that she's Jane, hands down. I guess I shall explain why for each person.
Okay, Jane = Charlie. Basically, Jane is the "most beautiful creature [Bingley has] beheld". She always has a positive outlook on life and refuses to think badly of people. Jane is also pretty sensitive and loving. Just matches, right?
Darcy = Dave. Darcy's very rich, and although Dave's not a millionaire, he does have more money than the rest of us in the group. Darcy starts off as "proud" and arrogant. Dave can seem that way to people who don't know him, but as the book develops, we see that Darcy is caring and loving. He genuinely loves Elizabeth, as does Dave with Rachel.
I'm Bingley, and I've had no arguments. Yet. Mrs. Dudley (my English teacher) first said it was the perfect match up. Bingley's caring and easy going. That explains him, basically. He loves Jane and doesn't betray her. You could call me up myself for thinking I'm like him, but whatever. Bingley is the guy with the second biggest sum of money in the book, and that's how I view myself within our circle of friends.
Lydia = Caz. Lydia is rash and ignorant at times. However, I do think Caz is changing and so, this could be a harsh comparison. Lydia ends up foolishly falling in "love" with Wickham(a crude guy who's purely after money, then wastes it all on gambling and women).
I haven't assigned Sam, Marriott, Graham and Rachel. Actually! Rachel = Lady Catherine. Thinks she's above everyone else. All I can think of. Graham wanted a character, so Wickham = Graham? o.0[/tangent 3]
I enjoyed that time with Charlie. She's really nice to just chat with and sit down with. We get on really, really well. Or I think that, anyway. So, Dave, Graham and Caz came about 6:25. We went to Sam's. I ended up being a loner for most of the way there - that is why I hate being in odd numbers. Sam's was okay. Lounged around watching the music channels, me and Charlie were messing around with each other's feet. Walked Lou Lou (sp?), Sam's dog, and we ended up going to Coney. Sam went to kick Lou Lou's ball and ended up kicking it, but falling over. Hehe... Some chavs were laughing in the graveyard. n00bs. They ended up coming out and throwing stuff at us. We jus ignored, and walked out. Towards mine was the direction. Charlie started hobbling on the way. :( Poor girl, must suck to have her joint problem. So, in mine, I got my GameCube because I was staying at Sam's. I took some controllers too. We just went straight back to Sam's, I think it was because of Charlie. I didn't mind, suited me.At Sam's, I took the one seater and the other positions we taken up by the rest. I saw a position available that I should have taken, bah at not taking it. Graham and Caz left at 10:30. I ended up moving onto the sofa when they left. Charlie leant on me, and we just cuddled up together. It was nice and warm. Sam's Nan came at 11 to take her away. Me, Sam and Dave tagged along. Sam went in front. When we got there, me and Sam got out. Me and her hugged, and I just didn't want to let go. I don't know why, but I thought something was going to happen to her and it slightly scared me. I let go though, because I thought she might think I was weird or something. Her and Sam then hugged and she went to her door. Me and Sam piled in again. She waited to wave at us when we passed her. And off to Sam's we went! Me and Dave were sleeping over, btw. We watched The Abyss first. I fell asleep half way through and woke up for the last 20 seconds where this man and woman were standing on water kissing. So, we had some food after. I woke up saying something funny which Dave laughed at, but I won't repeat. He thought I was still unconscious when I said it. :D Anyway, had toast with Lurpak. Mmmm! We played a 99 minute Smash Bros. Melee game; I was Marth, Dave was Link and Sam was Roy. Sam won with a score of +7, Dave got +2 and I got -37! Wahoo! I was tired and not concentrating - had something on the mind. Started watching Tron but I fell asleep and that was at 4am. End of Saturday.
Nice post, Dave!! =P
Yeah, and now I have a new entry up. :P
Wow, how do you manage to remember what time everything happened? That's pretty impressive. And you go into some serious detail! You have a good memory. Glad you had a good time.
I hope you noticed that you wrote "Bugger King", Aaron... =p
And you CANNOT make me Lydia and Graham Wickham. HELLO?!
No offence to G, but no. OK?
Ok? Actually, it's not ok. :P
Em, I just remember what time things happened. Just not always, as evident by that post. Some things I remember specifically. Like, Rachel and Luke got hold of each other at exactly 6:37pm in Uxrbidge. =P That's something I really don't care for anymore, though. Blah.
Only Sunday is unaccounted for, and that was like 3 hours of fun with you guys? A really good 3 hours, though...*reminises*
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