Wednesday, March 16, 2005

School's evaluation because I've done nothing else of interest today!

1st period(English): basically, we got a free because she didn't come in - she told us before hand. So, I played on the DS with Adam. Fun, fun! Played Super Mario DS, btw.
Philosophy: learnt more about my favourite man - David Hume. Well, his criticisms - mwahahaha! n00b he is! I hate the dick - die, die, die! Wait, he IS dead. Ha ha. :P
Break: went to our usual spot and chatted with the group - except Sam, he was with Lauren. Adam and Anand were also wearing purple ties.
History: bleh - done more of those notes. Simple, yet, boring. I'm on page 7/9. Do them over the weekend, maybe Friday.
Lunch: lmao! I took the piss out of Rhys when he came in saying "black boy wannabe". He ignored me. =P Sorted out the RE displays. Put up this funny poster of a guy who drew Judas a black guy. And some guy who drew Judas exploding - lmao. Young kids are funny. So, went home around 1.

Took Dave with me and we watched the Clone Wars! Mwahahahaha! It was awesome, or so I thought. Yoda at the beginning was uber. Really funny when this person speaks some language to Dooku and then he pauses, then says "indeed". Lol. :D

So, I have loads of philosophy courseowork to do. I, like many others, have done hardly anything. Speak to Miss about it tomorrow. End!


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