Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The day after the 7th March.

Well, I guess you should get an account of my day until now, so you shall. School is basically the only thing I've done all day, so let's break it down.

History: well, we had Cockcroft. Although, he was barely there. We did some work on the Rump and Barebones Parliament. Not very interesting. Me and Luke chatted a bit. Sam and me were rather quiet to each other - not sure why. Learnt that he's going into London on Saturday with Lauren.
2nd period: free period. Yay! Went up to the media studies room. It was me, Dave, Sam, Lauren, Robert, Rosalind, Lee, Chris and Usmaan. Then rugby boss showed up, and then Marriott came. I did some Ethics. Pretty lame. Lee got a little too into WoW. It's quite sad but it does sound uber cool.
Break: stayed in the same room, but got kicked out around 11:25 by Miss Hoad. She wasn't happy about us eating and drinking in there because it "wasn't out common room". Bah, I'd just finished my work - and it was break.
Ethics: oh holy crap. Can you get a more boring subject? We revised the Just War theory which I think is pant, to be honest. You go to war to stop evil or to gain peace. SIMPLE. Not some fucking stupid explanations of "jus ad bellum" and "jus in bello".
Lunch: went home - Dave, Graham and Marriott came with me. Ate chips and chicken kievs. Err, read Maddox's site. It's friggin hilarious. Err, dunno what else. Chatted and left at 1:15pm
English: if any subject rivals ethics for the boringness factor, it's Mrs Deighton's lessons. William Blame is an ass fudge. His poems suck and I don't know wtf London is about. I missed the lesson and everyone's being a bitch because they won't lend me their book. Well, Rosalind won't and Adam's notes suck. So yeah, Rosalind is officially someone to get revenge on. Read "Chimney Sweeper" - fun! Not.
Psychology: oh damnit - I forgot my textbook for the lesson. I have a mock tomorrow which I should REALLY be revising for. And I'll start after this entry. Well, I'll do my philosophy work first, then revise. In lesson, we started our new module of "Research Methods". Bleh. It pretty much sucks, and I have to catch up on Social Influence.

At the end of school, walked home with Dave, Rach and Graham. Don't really notice Dave and Rachel though. They keep to themselves and talk to each other. So, I basically walked with Graham. Didn't discuss much of interest. Err, yeah. Got in around 4:05. Had some jaffa cakes, checked PbS, had some Ribena and all of which I did whilst typing this. Mwaha. End!


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