Ha ha...this is strange. :P
In today's Sun, my star sign said that "A pal's ex could be the one". Charlie read it first, and I was pretty err...shocked or something, about it. She gave it to me to read. I chuckled, I thought it quite funny.
Didn't do much today, just went into Uxbridge and came back to mine with Charlie and Dave. We pissed around. Strangely, Charlie was very hot and Dave was cold - inside anyway. He missed Rachel. :( I feel you Dave...*wub* :P I wish I could help him, in some way. Bleh, Rachel sucks dong. Why the fuck won't she just go out with him? He's wasted near-enough 3 years on her and there's not much wrong with him. And he really cares for her. What more could she want? A knobhead apparently, so she continues to chase them.
Graham spent today with Scott, Sam went to meet up with Lauren at 3 but left around 6ish, or so he said. Marriott was errr...where? o.0 Caz stayed at home. :( Rachel went to Malta, so I won't see her for two weeks. I won't see Charlie for a week either. Tomorrow, she spends the whole day at the hospital. Then Thursday, she's at band practice (see below for my thoughts on practices) in the morning and DT's going over in the evening to perv her, I mean errr, to "help her with a song". Friday, she leaves for Kent and she's coming back on Monday, when she won't be out. So then, on Tuesday, she's looking after Carys(sp?) until 4:45ish. Won't see Marriott for a week from Monday. Bleh - he's going to the Czech Republic. And Sam's always with Lauren. And Graham's with Scott alot. Which leaves me and Dave - thanks. Assholes...no, not any of you. Bleh. I think Dave's going to get bored of me and my house. We are both very boring.
Oh, whilst on Dave! He's coming to Thailand with me! *hugs* It should be awesome. We're going for the half-term before our AS exams (Philosophy & Ethics and English). Bleh, not that much. Should be a cool holiday.
Okay on band. I used to like the band having practice. Now, I don't. I don't have much right to say this, but I don't care. It's on my blog, and this is my thought. I used to go along, just sit down and record them, or something. But now, they just make it exclusive to the band. With Rachel going, and recently, Charlie. So, it just blows. I'm left with Graham and Caz. And no offence, but you guys can get a bit much to handle sometimes. So yeah, now I've got that out, I'll move onto something that's really, really quite errr...interesting? No, it's not. Revealing.
I'm getting shit scared of stupid things. I keep thinking I'm going to see Samara from the Ring, or I'm going to get run over, or I'm going to wake up and I'm going to find my parents in blood stained sheets with a gun-shot through their head. It's so scary. I don't think anyone understands, but hey - what can you do? I bet that aside from like 2/3 people, no-one cares.
Oh and Marriott, you're a fucking two-faced moron. I don't believe you. I could probably consider you a best friend, but it's just not right. Why? You're a dick. Why do you block us and unblock us when you "feel like chatting to us"? Oh shit, did I just reveal your secret? Now, you're fucked. I bet you that you never block Rachel though - do you? Because when wouldn't you want to speak to her?! Don't answer - it's retorical. I spelt it wrong? Yeah, I know. I did it on purpose too. I thought I'd see if after I'd had a rant at you, you'd still have the nerve to mentally correct an error in my spelling. Whatever, just block me if you want. I just wish you were the person I was best friends with...
Yeah, so, to wrap it up - on Thursday, I'm sleeping in late. Fuck you, dad. You can work at home on your own, just fuck off and leave me to fucking sleep. The fucking end.
Didn't do much today, just went into Uxbridge and came back to mine with Charlie and Dave. We pissed around. Strangely, Charlie was very hot and Dave was cold - inside anyway. He missed Rachel. :( I feel you Dave...*wub* :P I wish I could help him, in some way. Bleh, Rachel sucks dong. Why the fuck won't she just go out with him? He's wasted near-enough 3 years on her and there's not much wrong with him. And he really cares for her. What more could she want? A knobhead apparently, so she continues to chase them.
Graham spent today with Scott, Sam went to meet up with Lauren at 3 but left around 6ish, or so he said. Marriott was errr...where? o.0 Caz stayed at home. :( Rachel went to Malta, so I won't see her for two weeks. I won't see Charlie for a week either. Tomorrow, she spends the whole day at the hospital. Then Thursday, she's at band practice (see below for my thoughts on practices) in the morning and DT's going over in the evening to perv her, I mean errr, to "help her with a song". Friday, she leaves for Kent and she's coming back on Monday, when she won't be out. So then, on Tuesday, she's looking after Carys(sp?) until 4:45ish. Won't see Marriott for a week from Monday. Bleh - he's going to the Czech Republic. And Sam's always with Lauren. And Graham's with Scott alot. Which leaves me and Dave - thanks. Assholes...no, not any of you. Bleh. I think Dave's going to get bored of me and my house. We are both very boring.
Oh, whilst on Dave! He's coming to Thailand with me! *hugs* It should be awesome. We're going for the half-term before our AS exams (Philosophy & Ethics and English). Bleh, not that much. Should be a cool holiday.
Okay on band. I used to like the band having practice. Now, I don't. I don't have much right to say this, but I don't care. It's on my blog, and this is my thought. I used to go along, just sit down and record them, or something. But now, they just make it exclusive to the band. With Rachel going, and recently, Charlie. So, it just blows. I'm left with Graham and Caz. And no offence, but you guys can get a bit much to handle sometimes. So yeah, now I've got that out, I'll move onto something that's really, really quite errr...interesting? No, it's not. Revealing.
I'm getting shit scared of stupid things. I keep thinking I'm going to see Samara from the Ring, or I'm going to get run over, or I'm going to wake up and I'm going to find my parents in blood stained sheets with a gun-shot through their head. It's so scary. I don't think anyone understands, but hey - what can you do? I bet that aside from like 2/3 people, no-one cares.
Oh and Marriott, you're a fucking two-faced moron. I don't believe you. I could probably consider you a best friend, but it's just not right. Why? You're a dick. Why do you block us and unblock us when you "feel like chatting to us"? Oh shit, did I just reveal your secret? Now, you're fucked. I bet you that you never block Rachel though - do you? Because when wouldn't you want to speak to her?! Don't answer - it's retorical. I spelt it wrong? Yeah, I know. I did it on purpose too. I thought I'd see if after I'd had a rant at you, you'd still have the nerve to mentally correct an error in my spelling. Whatever, just block me if you want. I just wish you were the person I was best friends with...
Yeah, so, to wrap it up - on Thursday, I'm sleeping in late. Fuck you, dad. You can work at home on your own, just fuck off and leave me to fucking sleep. The fucking end.
awww dude, dont worry. im sure whatever you do over th hols it will be more interesting than what im doing at that moment in time :D
And btw, tis 'Kariss'.
Oh blah at the typo of Kariss. :P
Hey, don't worry so much. Hopefully, the holidays won't suck as much as you've predicted...
And as for your seeing scary things, I get that alot too. And yup, it's as freaky as hell, I know. Just try to push your focus onto something else.
See you around.
Caz x
Ha ha, thanks Dave! But more thanks goes to Emily and Caz for influencing him. =P Dave is teh subject of majority influence. :P
Anyway, thanks ALOT guys. Just makes me smile knowing I have friends like you...
Heya hunny.. that was a real depressing post *hug* hope you feel better soon. And yes i know iv gota go to kent... i dont wana go... DONT MAKE ME GO! Ah ha! KIDNAP ME! :P
It wasn't all depressing! I posted about the happiness that is me and Dave going to "Thisland". =p
I could kidnap you, and we'd both enjoy it laods, but I don't have enough food. So, go. Go to Kent! I'll see you when you get back, have a good time.
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