Monday, May 23, 2005

The Friday I saw Star Wars again.

I'll say something about Thursday quickly. School was boring and I never thought it'd end. I went to see the 17:30 showing of Star Wars. It rocks!!! Basically, go and see it. Went with mother and I don't regret that at all. Well, except that she got annoyed I was text messaging Charlie. Anyway, Obi-Wan rules and Windu pwns, too. The film was very good. Rather dull audience, though. Meh. Oh and I nearly shed a tear.

Friday Night

Well, when I got home the rush started. I was going to shower but then my dad took his time washing his hands. Around 10 past, I finally managed to get it. Quick shower, changed and then Dave came at 4:25. He'd eaten and changed clothes. *teh shock* Uber Dave! Sam came around 4:35. Got a lift at quarter to off my dad. Went to Caz's, picked her up and then off to the cinema! My dad took the U5's bus route. Blah. Dropped us off outside Debenhams and we went into the cinema - Charlie had been waiting for 15 mintues. =O She was early! Rachel and Craig then came and soon after, Graham. He didn't look happy and then walked off to the Odeon shop. Still no word. It was like 5:15 now. So we all got our drinks and food. Then we went in and seat order was:

Graham | Caz | Charlie | me | Dave | Sam

Rachel and Craig sat at the front. No idea why - they looked lonely. Graham was pretty much quiet all the way through and when I offered him some Doritos he looked emo/pissed so I didn't bother to offer again. That created an emo aura over there, as illustrated by Caz telling me that she wished I was sitting where she was. I had a good time, overall; the movie rocked. Again. Upon leaving the cinema, I claimed my Yoda poster. Caz and Charlie wanted it and as my best friends, I nearly gave it to one of them but I held out! w00t! We left Rachel, Craig and Dave went to wait for Rachel's dad to pick Craig up. Then we all ended up joining them after around 15 minutes because we got bored. Rachel's dad soon came and we were on our way to Jack's Fish and Chips. On the way there we were split socially;
  1. Sam, Dave and Rachel led.
  2. Me and Caz were walking behind.
  3. Graham and Charlie lingered behind with Caz drifting back to talk to them, leaving me alone. Heh, great fun being alone. >.>
When we got to Jack's, we saw Dain, Jon and Ian. We all started walking up and then down Kingston. Rachel, Dain and Jon went ahead and Rachel looked like she was spreading herself to match their needs - take it how you want. Ian stayed back with us(Dave, Charlie, me, Sam, Caz and Graham). They went off into Brunel, which I'm sure they're not allowed to do but whatever. We marched onto mine.

Into mine we went and I have no idea where anyone sat straight away. Sometime into the night, Caz and Charlie got into bed together, I went and Sat on the end, Graham ended up lying on the sofa, Dave was sitting on a chair and so was Sam. As Caz said, Graham kind of secluded himself on the sofa and left at 10:15. That was lame, but whatever. Dave ended up getting into bed and Charlie got out. I assumed the PC chair and Sam was still on the other chair. We just listened to music and chatted. Charlie went to sat on me but said that she "might crush me" - WTF?! She's not heavy. o.0 Anyway, don't remember much of the night. Caz's mum was late to pick Caz and Charlie up - came around 11:30. It was cool anyway, I was left with my 3 best friends and a cool friend, Sam. Sam and Dave slept. We tried watching A New Hope but we all fell asleep around 1:30. Dave stayed up the longest and turned it off when he realised he was feeling sleep.


Blogger x_z_x said...

Me too! Yay! Wub you, Aaron!
And Charlie!
And everyone! xxx

8:44 pm  
Blogger Aaron said...

Indeed, Friday was quite cool. I'm hoping this Friday is equally cool...=P

6:03 am  

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