Thursday, May 12, 2005

Friday 6th May

Okay, so I took Friday off school...4 days of no school, w00t! Anyway, I woke up at 9ish, went to the hospital at 10:30 waited until like 11 and then got told I was fine! Yay! So, upon coming back me and my dad decided it'd be more beneficial to me to just take the afternoon off school to revise. So, that I did! Just a bit of history. Not that I remember it now...crap. Got the PC delivered like as soon as we got back, but well done Dell, just create another problem - a memory reference error. So, I went on the laptop and my friends were on, yay! Well, Dave, Graham and Emily.

Chatted to them until 5:40pm, when I left to walk to Charlie's. Caz had already got a lift to Marriott's. It was a pretty cold walk there, but my MD player kept me warm and happy. I'd just gone down the alley on Marriott's road and walked literally 3 metres when I saw Charlie's parents, Kariss and Charlie about to get into the car. I shouted "Charlie" and they saw me. They were going to mine! Now, wouldn't that have been stupid? Me going to hers, and her going to mine. Anyway, I jumped in, we went down to Marriott's, picked Caz up and went on to Girl's Brigade, where we dropped Kariss off.

Charlie's dad drove us to mine and I text Graham/Dave almost instantly to come to mine. They'd been at the end of my road and saw Charlie's car. They thought it was just Charlie and me, so decided to wait before knocking until I text him. They thought I'd want to spend some time alone with her, and exclude them. Blah at you guys. Little did they know we were not alone. Anyway, when they came in that made 6 of us; me, Charlie, Dave, Caz, Rachel and Graham. Then Sam came. We spent most of the night listening to Brand New. Caz left around 10? Maybe 10:30. She got me in SO much trouble because she ran out with my shirt on. Thanks Caz. My parents think she's an immature kid and on that display of behaviour; I don't blame them. She did run through my front room and then shout to her dad "drive! drive!", which they heard. Anyway, on going back up, the lights were off, which created a really emo atmosphere especially since Brand New was in the background. Sam was on the PC chair, Dave on the floor, I went and sat on the sofa, Rach was lying on it whilst Graham and Charlie were on the bed. Those positions were like that for most of the night and when Sam left to go home. Errr, except when Dave left the room then Charlie went out with him. Graham moved to somewhere, don't remember where. Me and Rach took the bed because we raced for the big pillow. I ended up getting there first, but I shared it with her and she laid on my arm. We kinda lay together and I was actually pretty comfortable; don't know why. Could have been because of the girl, the pillow, the bed, the position but I was so comfortable I fell asleep within 5 minutes. I woke up like 10 minutes later to find Charlie sitting on the black PC chair (yes "My Light" was based on this, only Marriott was added it to make the poem work) and Graham was on the sofa whilst Dave lay on the floor. Then Charlie asked Rach what the time was to which Rach replied "5 past 11 - what time do you need to be home?" Charlie said "not much later than that, if possible, please". So Rach phoned her dad. Her dad came 10 minutes later at quarter past and Graham was going to. Everyone was emo saying goodbye. Blah. Oh, I forgot to mention, she wore my shirt again and she looks uber hot in it! I want to pull the shirt off THAT well. :( I walked them out. Me and Charlie shared a nice hug in my porch which kinda gave me the impression she was sad - but I had nothing to support that. Went up to Dave. He confided a bit to me and gave up the PC quite easily. I chatted to Charlie until she went at 2am. Me and Dave watched P&P from then onwards. He went to bed at 2:30am. Err, I phoned Caz. Don't remember what we talked about - not very interesting and probably Marriott or "someone else" based. Went to bed at 3:30am...


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